Booking Engine

We analyze your needs and recommend the best IBE. Once selected, we implement IBE as well as a payment gateway and develop your commercial website so that you can begin selling tickets online.

Departure Control 

We assist you with selecting local DCS or CUTE, CUPPS or any other system. We then assist with implementing the system in due time which allows you to start your airline and serve your passengers smoothly through their departure from the airport.

Weight & Balance

We can even implement customized systems for you; for example, you can have IBE and DCS from one vendor and TRIM from other. We will let each system talk to each other.

Crew Scheduling

Our PM includes implementation of crew scheduling system as well; we can help you select the best possible option available and let it communicate with the other systems required to run your airline.

Boarding Pass

We provide DC printers and the required stationary. We also design your boarding pass according to your requirements and the airline brand’s guidelines.

Baggage Tag

We provide baggage tag printers and the required stationary. We also assist with designing the tag. Our services let you serve your passengers swiftly and conveniently.

Global Distribution

We assist you with selecting the best and most cost-effective GDS system from a number of the worlds best options. We will also integrate your selection with your related systems to guarantee maximum productivity.

Commercial Setup

We assist with setting up your business and marketing plan as well as developing a commercial website application. We guide you along the way to meeting all of your needs to achieve your goals.

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